Milhouse Mussolini Van Houten is a fictional character featured in the animated television series The Simpsons, voiced by Pamela Hayden, and created by Matt Groening who named the character after President Richard Nixon's middle name. Later in the series, it is revealed that Milhouse's middle name is "Mussolini." Milhouse is Bart Simpson's best friend in...
Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky, better known as Krusty the Clown (sometimes spelled as Krusty the Klown), is a cartoon character in the animated television series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta. He is the long-time clown host of Bart and Lisa's favorite TV show, a combination of kiddie variety television hijinks and cartoons...
Boe Szyslak (from the tenth season Boh, pronounced /'sɪz.læk/) is an imaginary character from the animated series The Simpsons and the original voice is by Hank Azaria. Although his name in the original version is Moe (abbreviation of Morris) Tonino Accolla has decided to change its name to Boe because according to him the original sounded like the word...
Barnard Arnold "Barney" Gumble is a fictional character on the American animated sitcom The Simpsons. The character is voiced by Dan Castellaneta and first appeared in the series premiere episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire". He is the town drunk of Springfield and Homer Simpson's best friend. His desperation for alcohol is a frequent butt of jokes...
The Itchy & Scratchy Show is an animated TV show and a segment of The Krusty the Clown Show on KBBL-TV. The show involves an anthropomorphic psychotic mouse named Itchy killing an anthropomorphic hapless cat named Scratchy for heck of it. The show contains blood, gore, organs, and cartoon violence, like Happy Tree Friends which is more bloody and gruesome...
The Itchy & Scratchy Show is an animated TV show and a segment of The Krusty the Clown Show on KBBL-TV. The show involves an anthropomorphic psychotic mouse named Itchy killing an anthropomorphic hapless cat named Scratchy for heck of it. The show contains blood, gore, organs, and cartoon violence, like Happy Tree Friends which is more bloody and gruesome...
Directly from Trentino, the Lucrezia cow lives free happy and carefree. In USB flash drive.
Friendly and easy-going, Frank is always up for a joke! The Tribe monkey always makes its friends laugh, especially when it plans amusing pranks to Lucrezia the Cow! Many GB of pure fun!
Directly from Australia, Sanne lives in a bamboo little house. He sleeps a lot and he’s just the sweetest and loveliest pet ever. You will definitely have fun with him… if you manage to keep him awake! USB flash drive with 8 GB and 16 GB memory capacity.
Whattie has always been Tribe’s mascot, the star of the village. He loves to hide among the trees and spend entire days watching other animals without been seen! Whattie is an USB flash drive.
Directly from Trentino, the Lucrezia cow lives free happy and carefree. In USB flash drive.
Friendly and easy-going, Frank is always up for a joke! The Tribe monkey always makes its friends laugh, especially when it plans amusing pranks to Lucrezia the Cow! Many GB of pure fun!
Directly from Australia, Sanne lives in a bamboo little house. He sleeps a lot and he’s just the sweetest and loveliest pet ever. You will definitely have fun with him… if you manage to keep him awake! USB flash drive with 8 GB and 16 GB memory capacity.
Whattie has always been Tribe’s mascot, the star of the village. He loves to hide among the trees and spend entire days watching other animals without been seen! Whattie is an USB flash drive.
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics on this model are inspired by the colours of BB8, the little droid from Star Wars who made his debut in Episode VII of the saga and is now a fan idol!
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics on this model are inspired Darth Vader, the iconic Star Wars character. It also has a double finish (matte and shiny). May the force be with you!
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics on this model are inspired by the colours of R2-D2, the historic droid from Star Wars and is now an idol!
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics on this model are inspired Stormtrooper, the iconic Star Wars military troop. It also has a double finish (matte and shiny). May the force be with you!
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics on this model are inspired by Captain America, the patriotic hero with super powerful DNA and the leader of the Avengers!
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics of this model are inspired by the iconic Iron Man, the steely alter ego of Tony Stark, billionaire scientist, all-around genius and technology buff!
Express your style with Pop headphones! The graphics of this model are inspired by Batman, a superhero with no supernatural powers but endless technological resources. Here in a special edition embellished with metallic-finish graphics.