Alina Dyachenko - Chic Icon

Interview with Alina Dyachenko, The CEO & Founder of Chic Icon Magazine

Luxury Lifestyle Magazine, Concierge & Tailored Events

Dubai is the world's magnet now for those who value luxury lifestyle, comfort, high-quality service, and safety. There's no wonder that one of the best online luxury lifestyle magazines in the world Chic Icon is based here, in Dubai. With 1 Million views per month, Chic Icon is not just another news portal, but a fresh trendsetter in the world of luxury lifestyle.

Alina Dyachenko, The CEO & Founder - The Ceremony You don’t Want to Miss

In this interview, we talk with Alina Dyachenko, the CEO & Founder of Chic Icon luxury lifestyle magazine, and one of the most empowering female entrepreneurs in Dubai. 

Was it Difficult to Start a Magazine by Yourself? 

Before starting Chic Icon I had a huge experience working in the media and luxury lifestyle business for 10 years in different countries, so it wasn't something new for me. Of course, in the beginning, it was not easy to start such a big project by myself, but my experience and education helped me a lot.

What's So Special About Chic Icon?

I really care a lot about the quality content and uniqueness of the material. We write on luxury lifestyle topics such as traveling, gourmet, fashion, beauty, cars, etc., as well as art, business, charity, etc. Apart from the magazine, we do tailored events and run a concierge service, giving 360 degrees experience both for commercial clients and readers.

Alina Dyachenko, The CEO & Founder of Chic Icon

Tell Us More About Your Tailored Events?

Our next huge event is the Chic Icon Awards which will be held in Dubai's best venue Burj Khalifa in February under the High Patronage of a member of Dubai's Royal Family. We will be awarding the best luxury brands & services in UAE during a beautiful gala dinner with amazing entertainment and networking.

What About Your Concierge Service?

We built up a great team who can organize your dream vacation anywhere in the world, including the North Pole and the South Pole; as well as relocation to Dubai, UAE, or a business set up over here.

It's Clear About Your Impressing Company, Let's Talk About Yourself! What's Your Background?

I'm a very cosmopolitan person! I was born in Russia but spent many years in Barcelona, Spain where I got my two MBA degrees in International Business and started my career in media. Apart from Spain, I lived in many beautiful places, including Miami, New Delhi, around ten places in total. Now my home is Dubai for the past five years.

You Inspire Many Women to Pursue their Dreams, But What Inspires You?

In childhood, I took my inspiration from historical power women such as Catherine the Great, and some inspiring men of course, such as Alexander the Great, Nicola Tesla, etc. Now I realize that you have to be your biggest inspiration by working constantly on improving yourself inside & outside. When I look at myself 10 years or 5 years back I realize how much I've improved and that gives me the biggest drive.

How Do You Work on Your Physical Form?

Funny thing, I'm not a big fan of sports, but I'm pushing myself to do boxing and pilates regularly. The gym is too boring for me! Interval fasting helps a lot when you want to control your weight and be healthy. It's very important to fast only with water 1-2 days a month for your mental & physical health. Small trick: every 11th moon day is the easiest day to do that. Try it! You'll realize you don't really feel hungry at all.

What About Your Mental Health?

I work a lot on my self-awareness! I did a big journey in the past 3 years with different practices and knowledge. The goal is to be balanced no matter what and not to depend on external circumstances. Meditation helps a lot to train your brain!

That Sounds Inspiring! You Are Also Known As a Fashionista and It-Girl, How do You Manage to Look Amazing all The Time?

Thank you! Fashion lets my creative energy flow and inspire me. I love to search for new designers and work myself on new looks. Very soon I'm launching a capsule collection with a very talented haute-couture designer Ora Levi from Israel. We will create elegant & chic looks for power women to wear during the day & night.

That Sounds Great! What are Your Plans for The Near Future?

I'm planning to expand Chic Icon brand globally to such markets as China, the USA, Saudi Arabia, etc. I see lots of potential in that! Also, I'm very excited to launch my fashion capsule collection and a jewelry brand this year!