
Mara Gualina

Keep Your Heels and Standards High

As a good serial writer, in this paragraph of the site, I should praise myself with great words and goals achieved but I will summarize myself by saying that I am 25 years old and I have decided to believe in my dream. I design and project luxury fashion accessories at permissive costs. My mission is to convey a positive message about the world of fashion. I consider this project a social test to try to make people think about their purchases, about the fact that buying a bag for 20 euros is not ethically sustainable without exploiting people and the environment. Well, I believe there is another way. A middle. Between fast fashion and the often prohibitive world of luxury. Where a person like me tries to make a difference. A dream comes true when someone believes in it. An accessory remains an accessory until someone gives it character and importance by wearing it. I don't want to be just a brand, but the mirror of a desire. I strive every day to offer quality products at the right cost, to produce the sustainable luxury we deserve.

Presentation Mara Gualina

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