Prestige Champagne since 1843
Sempre all’altezza della propria reputazione, Krug è la prima e tutt’ora unica Maison produttrice di Champagne in grado di creare ogni anno esclusivamente Cuvée de Prestige sin dal 1843, anno della sua fondazione. La Maison Krug fu fondata a Reims nel lontano 1843 per opera di Joseph Krug, un visionario anticonformista animato da una consapevolezza ambiziosa e priva di mezze misure. Il suo sogno era quello di poter offrire il migliore Champagne al mondo, anno dopo anno, a prescindere dalle variazioni meteorologiche. L’attenzione speciale portata alle singolarità di ogni vigneto e il rispetto delle peculiarità di ogni appezzamento e del suo vino hanno permesso a Joseph Krug di realizzare il suo sogno. Con un approccio decisamente originale alla produzione dello Champagne, decise di trascendere la nozione di Millesimato per realizzare ogni anno l’espressione più generosa dello Champagne. Sei generazioni della famiglia Krug hanno perpetuato questo sogno, arricchendo la visione e il savoir-faire del fondatore.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.
The rarest soloist. The most precious jewel, a tribute to the talent of the Krug family, capable of selecting a tiny vineyard of 0.68 hectares with a unique and special terroir.
The poetry of precision and pleasure. The exception to the Krug blending rule: a Champagne that is the fruit not only of a single vine and a single vintage, but also of a single historic vineyard of only 1.84 hectares.
The luxury of time. The "second life" offered by time to the exceptional Krug Millesimati, made up of more complex, rare and unrepeatable flavors.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.
The art of provocation. Sensual, intense and always extremely refined, Krug Rosé is a deliberate act of defiance of conformity, it is pure provocation, it is authentic pleasure.
The founder's dream. The most generous expression of Champagne, recreated every year regardless of climatic variations.